This is a game made in 48h for the GMTK Jam 2019.

Fill in two clues to deduce a new clue. Combine the new clue with another clue to continue the chain until you arrive at the solution!

In the end, it didn't quite come together, but I liked the ideas I had. The evaluation of your chain of evidence might not work properly, stall or produce otherwise unexpected results. Sorry about that!

To the extent possible under law, Toadheart has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Domino of Evidence.


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Like the idea, was very confused how to combine clues with guess /gamble etc and how it all worked. Interested in seeing the game developed more.

Hey, uh... can you make the page font a little brighter? I couldn't read the description until I turned my laptop's brightness up to maximum. Otherwise, cool idea!